
Litto - team volleyball Acade Douala (Cameroon)

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AfricaAfrica: African Club Championship Women - 5th-8th places
5th placeLitto WKenya Prisons W1:3 (25:17, 22:25, 22:25, 22:25)details03.05.2024
Semi-finalsNational Alcohol WLitto W0:3 (13:25, 17:25, 19:25)details02.05.2024
AfricaAfrica: African Club Championship Women - Play Offs
Quarter-finalsKenya Pipeline WLitto W3:0 (25:20, 25:22, 25:15)details01.05.2024
1/8-finalsMB Bejaia WLitto W2:3 (25:15, 25:19, 18:25, 21:25, 13:15)details30.04.2024
AfricaAfrica: African Club Championship Women - Main
Group DASW Bejaia WLitto W3:2 (24:26, 25:19, 23:25, 25:22, 15:9)details28.04.2024
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